hi !.semekom:) mmm...skunk da pukul 9.59 pagi. curry bru pas minum teh tarik kat maulana jap tdi. sambil hirup2 teh tarik kat cawan tu, sempat baca akhbar metro lagi. mmm
da bwat senyum pagi ke lom ni? ''wat de fish''.. blom? tanya lagi camana nk bwat senyum pagi? da melampau ni. xkn x tahu kot? nk curry ajar kan ke? mengada2 tol.. .zzz...cam ni la. sbb pagi nee curry rs mcm sweet sgt je tetiba, siap tunjuk demo lagi.*ceh.*.ni haa....
hohho..sorry kena wat camni tuk org yg susah senyum :P
Psst: best dan SeSWai sgt..tok DiPRAKTIKkan kat org yg bru bgun tido pagi, cuba laaa k, kalau kena tampor tue, jangan lapor kat curry, k? hohhhooho :x gLUP...GLUP...glup..Curry igt nk wat camni tok bakal wife nti lau die suke bgun lewat2 =D suka x suka, wife x bley marah n x leh tampar husband. berdosa tauw, leh msuk neraka.heh heh heh
mmm.. pagi ni curry nk share pndgn curry ttg perempuan.
APa itu perempuan? Menurut definisi dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Yg dipetik dari x"BlogBlong'' dot kom , perempuan adalah orang (manusia) yang mempunyai vagina, dapat menstruasi, hamil, melahirkan anak dan menyusui. Sedangkan wanita adalah perempuan yang berusia dewasa. :P hohhoo
Perempuan idaman curry. Dahulu dan sekarang. agak2 mcmana ye ciri2 prmpuan idaman yg curry nk =) segan sia, nkGong xi gong xi ni(kongsi)...kat sini :P heh heh.
APa itu perempuan? Menurut definisi dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Yg dipetik dari x"BlogBlong'' dot kom , perempuan adalah orang (manusia) yang mempunyai vagina, dapat menstruasi, hamil, melahirkan anak dan menyusui. Sedangkan wanita adalah perempuan yang berusia dewasa. :P hohhoo
Perempuan idaman curry. Dahulu dan sekarang. agak2 mcmana ye ciri2 prmpuan idaman yg curry nk =) segan sia, nk
meh msuk trus menu topik kita pagi ni....glup..glup..glup..
KK,dikisahkanla, masa zaman agak muda dulu, skitar umur lam 16tahun - 20tahun dulu, perempuan idaman, yg curry salu khayalkan, tiap2 ari mempunyai ciri2 yg begini: (sorry kena pakai pandangan visual dlu) bru leh gambar kn gan ayat hohho
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muka cam susah hati ni cute sgt =). |
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takako matsu sebijik muka cam rinoa heartilly |
2 gambar kat atas merujuk kpd siapa? kk, curry explain;
- gambar no 1 adalah rinoa heartilly [sesape yg penah maen games Final Fantasy VIII tau kot, sesapa yg x penah maen dun worry leh click kat sini utk informasi lebey lanjut :) ]
- gambar no 2 adalah aktress/penyanyi Takako Matsu yang merupakan model rinoa lam game FF8 tu.
so masa umor 16 tahun camtue, 2 subjek ni la slu belegar2 lam khayalan encik curry :P slu je bayangkan kalau betul2 org ni wujud, kan best kan kan?
[Perhatian utk yg sdg membaca: ayat deskripsi warna biru, curry cetak rompak trus dari web, warna merah ayat yg curry ringkaskan ]
Sifat2 menarik yg bjaya/ mncuit hati curry lam watak game ni iaitu yg dimiliki oleh rinoa heartilly ialah:
- A lively young woman with the ability to touch people's hearts.Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. Driven by her ambition, she can be stubborn at times.
"Rinoa stands up for what she believes in.(curry simpulkan: perempuan yg sangat bersemangat, aktif, open-minded,sifat natural: diri sendiri) - She's the type of person who believes in spreading kindness because she knows how the smallest acts of caring can deeply affect and change others.(perempuan yg baik hati, ikhlas menawarkan kebaikan tanpa harap apa2 balasan)
- "Rinoa is neither spoiled nor clingy." (x gedik2 or manja yg melampau kat umah, or mcm queen jerh)
- "You're gonna wake the princess? You've got some guts, man."
This line is said by one of the Forest Owl members on the train. Everyone is scared of disturbing Rinoa from her sleep because she's grumpy when she wakes up and can get rather violent when angry.Many know that she'll scratch or kick to make someone obey or listen – like what she did to Irvine outside the Desert Prison. This is also why they're scared to tell her that she hopelessly lacks skill in handiwork.(kat org laen leh jdi garang bila kejut tidur, tp x kat husband sndiri :P k?)
- "You sound like you want everyone to get the wrong idea."This line is said by Squall during the Galbadia and Balamb Garden war. Rinoa made it seem like she only borrowed the ring because she wanted one like it, however she really likes Squall and wanted to have something of his.Rinoa wanted to seem like she wasn't that interested in Squall in front of others, however the way she acted proved quite the opposite. She attempts to hide her feelings but her thoughts towards Squall are easily seen.Her outward actions can make any rival interested in Squall give up. Squall knows how she feels because of the way she denies it and the way she seems delighted about the notion of people thinking that they're a couple. Maybe this is how she hits the right spot in charming a guy like Squall, she uses their weaknesses on them.From Squall's point of view, Rinoa gradually becomes a focus in his life. He keeps changing, little by little during his encounters with her. When Rinoa is attacked and in a pinch, Squall would do anything to help her. This dramatic change in Squall, the same person who refuses relations with others and spends time thinking inwardly is due to Rinoa's influence. In time, Squall starts to love others, something which is Rinoa's strongest trait. (bila dia suka sesuatu, dia x pandai nk sembunyikan. comel gak girl yg ada sifat2 camni hohho)
cheeyy... cayela.. hihihi ^^